A coach speaking to a group of kids hockey players

How to Get the Most Out of Hockey Camps and Clinics

 Over the past 20 years, the overall skill level that players possess has seen a steady increase. Coaches are more knowledgeable on how to teach skating, stick handling, passing, and shooting.
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Hockey Training and Hockey Development

Taking Ownership of Your Hockey Development

  When you first started playing hockey, it was your parents who got you signed up. They provided you with the necessary hockey equipment, drove you...
Lance Pitlick
Score More Goals with These 5 Tips

Score More Goals with These 5 Tips

Hockey Goals  Every hockey player wants to score more goals. In no particular order, here are five tips you can apply to your game the next time...
Lance Pitlick
The Best Off-Ice Shooting Drills

The Best Off-Ice Shooting Drills

 hockey drills Over the last decade, off-ice training for hockey players has become very popular. Players and coaches have discovered that stick skill acquisition can be...
Lance Pitlick
Getting Better Isn’t Glamorous

Getting Better Isn’t Glamorous

hockey player  What I realized was that getting better at something isn’t glamorous. The majority of the time, you are by yourself, lost in your thoughts while lifting weights, riding the bike, running,
Lance Pitlick

Hockey 101 - Training Tips for Beginners

youth hockey  Beginning a new sport can be pretty intimidating…especially hockey because of all the equipment required to play the greatest game on the planet.
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How to Steal the Puck

steal the hockey puck As a hockey player, one skill that is talked about a lot, but practiced very little is the art of how to steal the puck from the opposition. 
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A kid playing hockey at sunset

How to Choose a Hockey Stick Blade Curve

 hockey stick blade My goal for this post is to provide information on how to choose the right hockey stick for the first time.  There are a number of factors that go into the process and it can be...
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Choosing the Right Hockey Camp or Clinic for Your Player

Choosing the Right Hockey Camp or Clinic for Your Player

Choosing the Right Hockey Camp or Clinic for Your Player
Are you researching summer hockey camps or clinics for your hockey player?  If you live in an area like mine, you have several options to choose from and it is hard to know what’s best for your hockey hopeful.
Sniper Sam
Prepare to Win with these Three Pro-Approved Warm-Up Drills

Prepare to Win with these Three Pro-Approved Warm-Up Drills

hockey warm-up drills  The purpose of doing hockey warm-up drills is to wake up both the mind and body. One of the most popular warm-ups for teams is playing a variety...
Lance Pitlick
sweet hands in hockey

Sweethands Training Drill #1 - Straight Straddle Forward/Backward

A great hockey training drill for tracking improvement. Time yourself, so you can see your improvement. Ready. Set. Go.
Greg Anzelc

The Five Characteristics of a Great Hockey Leader

hockey team captains  If you have ever watched the NHL network nightly recap show “On the Fly,” you’ll repeatedly hear the analysts refer to players as great leaders. Often, these...
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