Youth hockey player working on how to hold a hockey stick

How to Hold a Hockey Stick - 5 Stickhandling Mistakes to Avoid

There are five common mistakes that I regularly see when training youth hockey players. Luckily, if they are identified early they can be corrected and allow players to reach their full...
Nate Tower

1 Minute to Go, Down 3 Goals – No Problem

When your team is down late and needs some last-minute heroics, the players who put in the work with off-ice stick handling drills and shooting thousands of pucks at home will be ready to step up and make the plays. Those players not only have done enough repetitions where they can act without thinking, but also can play with the confident "I got this" approach to help the team prevail.   
Sniper Sam
Hockey player practicing his shot

Four Types of Hockey Shots

If you asked a hockey player to list the four types of shots they use, most would rattle off the wrist shot, snap shot, slap shot and backhand.   Yes, you...
Sniper Sam
Kids Doing Off-Ice Hockey Training

Off-Ice Hockey Training: Essential Training Tools

The start of school not only means that summer is over, but also that the hockey season has begun or will soon be beginning.  For a lot of players, this...
Sniper Sam
Tagged: Articles
hockey training

What Makes a Player Stand Out in the Game of Hockey

 hockey training When it comes to the game of hockey, there are a few distinguishing factors that the top players have acquired over the years that makes them leaders and not followers.

Sniper Sam
How to Saucer Pass in Ice Hockey

How to Saucer Pass in Ice Hockey

saucer pass There are hundreds of ice hockey drills that involve passing, but very few are designed to work on mastering the saucer pass, which is a passing technique where...
Lance Pitlick
Invest in Your Hockey Self

Invest in Your Hockey Self

 hockey training and development Do your coaches have the same commitment to achieving your dream as you do? In most cases, the answer is no.
Lance Pitlick
Deking 101: 4 Essential Moves Used by the Pros

Deking 101: 4 Essential Moves Used by the Pros

The fast-paced game of hockey requires split-second decision making hundreds of times during a game. Maintaining possession of the puck under pressure is essential to a team’s success or struggles.
Sniper Sam
A coach speaking to a group of kids hockey players

How to Get the Most Out of Hockey Camps and Clinics

 Over the past 20 years, the overall skill level that players possess has seen a steady increase. Coaches are more knowledgeable on how to teach skating, stick handling, passing, and shooting.
Sniper Sam
Hockey Training and Hockey Development

Taking Ownership of Your Hockey Development

  When you first started playing hockey, it was your parents who got you signed up. They provided you with the necessary hockey equipment, drove you...
Lance Pitlick
Hockey Players Playing Scoring A Goal

Score More Goals with These 5 Tips

Hockey Goals  Every hockey player wants to score more goals. In no particular order, here are five tips you can apply to your game the next time...
Sniper Sam
hockey training area

The Best Off-Ice Shooting Drills

 hockey drills Over the last decade, off-ice training for hockey players has become very popular. Players and coaches have discovered that stick skill acquisition can be...
Sniper Sam
Tagged: Lance Pitlick