Hockey Skills

The Four Ps to Hockey Success

Hockey skills  My objective is to help hockey players become better and help them play the game for as long as they can.
Sniper Sam
The Greatest Gifts of All: Ponds, Passing & Practicing

The Greatest Gifts of All: Ponds, Passing and Practicing

Snipers Edge is proud to be an off-ice hockey training company based in a state where winters provide plenty of natural opportunities for skill development. This comes in the form...
Sniper Sam
Youth hockey player enjoying Hockey Gifts

Game Changing Gifts For The Holidays!

As the season hits full swing and players are settling into their spot on the team, there are probably a few aspects of their game that they really like, and...
Sniper Sam
Hockey Mask with Snipers Edge Hockey Logo

Who's The Scariest Player On The Ice?

Halloween is a fun time of year with everyone dressing up in costumes, in fact one of our favorite costumes is when people dress up in goalie gear and trick...
Sniper Sam
Birds Eye View of a Hockey Game

Pre-Game Prep for Hockey Players

It’s been said in pretty much all of the hockey circles, that goalies are a little bit on the goofy or weirdo side. Yes, I’ve played with a couple that...
Sniper Sam
NHL Stickhandling Drills by Coach Pitlick

NHL Stickhandling Drills by Coach Pitlick

If you look how people process information, they typically will use one or acombination of the 5 senses, Sight (vision), hearing (audition), taste (gustation),smell (olfaction), and touch (somatosensation). As a...
Jason S
Snipers Edge Logo with an outdoor hockey rink

Sniper’s Edge How-To: How to beat the Goalie

It’s easy, just shoot and score!! Well, I wish it was that simple, but it’s not. There’s aproblem, there’s someone with big pillows on their legs and a goofy mask...
Sniper Sam
Snipers Edge Hockey Logo

Why You Should Play Other Sports Other than Hockey

Why You Should Play Other Sports Other than Hockey As a long time hockey coach and off-ice stickhandling & shooting specialist, I’ve had the privilege to train some of the...
Sniper Sam
Snipers Edge Hockey Products

Training at Home – Essential Hockey Training Gear Every Player Needs

Training at Home – Essential Hockey Training Gear Every Player NeedsCoach Pitlick here and I hope you all had a Happy New Year? The start of a new yeargenerally gets...
Sniper Sam
Improving Your Skating: Forward Skating

Improving Your Skating: Forward Skating

Improving Your Skating: Forward SkatingAs Herb Brooks said during the 1980 Miracle on Ice, “the legs feed the wolf!!” This isso true, if you’re not a good skater and develop...
Jason S
The Delayed Hockey Shot Video

The Delayed Hockey Shot

Sniper Sam

Hockey Shooting Tips: How to Practice Bad Angle Shots

When practicing your hockey skills, try to use the same slogan that Apple uses,“Think Different.” Most players think of scoring a highlight reel goal, coming downthe slot and sniping top...
Sniper Sam