Thanksgiving is a great holiday and provides an excellent opportunity to celebrate with friends and family who travel near and far to gather. For hockey families, Thanksgiving is also a big tournament time as youth hockey teams participate in tournaments that often provide some great bragging rights for the season.

So coming off a big Thanksgiving day meal, what are the keys to taking your Thanksgiving tourney? Well of course it starts with not completely over-eating to the point you can't skate, but here are 3 great ways to help your team take home the turkey trophy!

1. Shoot! This is the time of year to test goalies and unleash that great shot you have developed firing pucks into the shooting tarp in your basement, backyard or garage. Keep your head up as you approach the opposing goalie, pick a spot and shoot hard. One mistake many younger players make when shooting the puck is trying to 'flick' the puck when they shoot high. Cradle the puck and shoot like you mean it to light the lamp!

2. Back Check. We have been out watching a lot of hockey already this season and the one common denominator that we see with great  players and great teams is that they all work hard and back check. The really good players learn to play the game in both ends of the ice and the defensive effort starts with forwards working hard to get back to their defensive zone and picking up a player to cover and support your goalie!

3. Inspire. This is something all great players do, they inspire others around them to take their game to the next level. You have worked hard to get to this point in your hockey career, training and practicing during the off-season so you are prepared to make great things happen. Now is the time to use your skills and talent to motivate and inspire others to do their best as well!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our hockey friends and families and good luck in your games and tournaments!

Joe Shoults